Improvement Tracking - IT



The IT Management module provides provisions and controls required to manage actions to improve effectiveness of the management systems, and overall organizational performance.

Key Features:

1. Auto unique sequencing of each nonconformity, opportunity, corrective and proactive action.
2. Provisions to assure nonconformance and corrective action connectivity,
3. Capture incidents, near miss, and behavior-based observations.
4. Provisions to implement actions for future needs and expectations (proactive action).
5. Auto notification/follow-up mechanism to engage personnel to expedite actions.
6. Provisions to capture incident investigation key stages,
7. Inbuilt root cause analysis tools and guidance,
8. Review live workflow with status to perform follow-up and expedite actions,
9. Capture product and process traceability to identified nonconformity,
10. Connectivity to all other modules to capture actions at a centralized location.
11. Customized dashboard shows ongoing progress on improvement processes.

The Foundation of a Culture of Continuous Improvement

An Improvement Culture is Built on Three Pillars:

Engaged Leadership

Habits and Behaviors Drive Improvement

Consistent Methodology

Your Improvement Process Matters

Enabling Technology

Empower Leaders To Be More Effective

Like the three legs of a stool, each of these components is absolutely required to sustain an improvement culture. Take away one of the legs of a three-legged stool, and it will topple right over. Likewise, all three of these elements are necessary to support an improvement culture.

Every single organization that has come to us struggling with establishing or maintaining an improvement culture is failing, for one reason or another, to nurture at least one of these three components. Leadership, methodology, and technology support each each other in an intricate, codependent dance that has been mastered by the best continuous improvement organizations.

Effort in developing a methodology and engaging leadership is wasted without a technology platform to support the two. Methodology and technology will get you nowhere without leadership engagement, and leadership coupled with technology lacks the structure to succeed without methodology.

Read on to learn about the role of each of these three elements in starting, spreading, and sustaining a successful culture of continuous improvement.

Improvement Leadership

Support The Habits That Drive an Improvement Culture


Commit to continuous improvement, and make sure everyone knows.


Increase engagement in improvement from your staff and leaders.


Know where coaching is needed, and make the most of your time there.


Get instant access to the information you need to understand your culture.
Engaged leadership is arguably the most important determinant of success when it comes to creating a culture of continuous improvement. Organizations with leaders who invest in employee engagement and enabling technology, and also consistently implement a regimented improvement methodology, succeed in continuous improvement.
One of our customers, experienced the difference that engaged leadership makes first hand. When her organization was first attempting to develop a Lean culture, employees “felt like we had the drive, and the passion, but we had it from a grassroots level; we didn’t have the support from above. If we didn’t have that from above - if [the VP] didn’t think it was important - we weren’t going to be able to drive it.” And they weren’t able to drive it, until a new VP came along who devoted his time and energy into promoting a culture of continuous improvement. Under his leadership, the company achieved over $7 million of financial impact through continuous improvement in 2014. You can read more about this organization's Lean journey here.

8 things leaders should do to promote a culture of continuous improvement:

1. Lead by example; participate in continuous improvement openly and with gusto
2. Talk about the importance of continuous improvement with everybody, every chance you get
3. Consistently ask for ideas for improvement and respond quickly to those ideas
4. Empower employees to make daily continuous improvement a part of their own work
5. Don’t only ask for ideas that directly affect the bottom line or meet a certain ROI threshold
6. Emphasize the importance of small, incremental improvement - don’t make every improvement be an event or a project
7. Help share and spread ideas
8. Compile and celebrate the impact achieved through continuous improvement

These are just some of many things leaders should do to promote continuous improvement. Get a lot more ideas in this leadership eBook and this leadership webinar recording (and this one, too!).

Improvement Methodology


Create a methodology that is simple enough for everyone to participate without extensive training.


Get everyone speaking the same language for a unified improvement culture.


Make improvement a part of everyone's job. Strive for every person improving every task, every day.

There are a huge number of improvement disciplines that your organization may subscribe to, including Lean, Kaizen, Six Sigma, and Hoshin Kanri, to name a few. If you’ve found a method that works well for your organization, use it (or use more than one)! In terms of developing a culture of continuous improvement, it really doesn’t matter which improvement discipline you’re utilizing. Rather, it matters that your methodology for implementing it is simple, consistent, and disciplined.


One problem a lot of organizations face when trying to create a culture of continuous improvement is that they over engineer everything. What does that look like? You might be making your improvement methodology too complicated if:

1. You require such precise (or large) impact calculations that no one ever reports an impact on any improvement ideas
2. Every person in your organization needs a lot of formal training before getting engaged in continuous improvement
3. You have 22 spreadsheets that you email back and forth with progress updates
4. You need a meeting to approve ideas before people can start making improvements. Double whammy if that meeting has to be scheduled far into the future
5. Process changes are only implemented if they shoot for “perfect,” rather than simply “better”

Organizations that succeed in spreading a culture of continuous improvement do so because their methodology is simple. Employees know enough about the chosen continuous improvement discipline to find opportunities for improvement, but they aren’t developed into experts in some methodology before they’re allowed to participate. People have an easy way to submit opportunities for improvement, and they’re empowered to make small improvements on their own. They have a way to calculate their impact accurately enough that the data is useful, but not so precise that it deters such reporting altogether.

Essentially, you want to make your improvement methodology simple enough that everyone can participate with a low barrier to engagement.


In order for your improvement methodology to be effective, you must implement it consistently throughout your organization. Managers should all get the same training regarding employee engagement, and the same strategies should be adapted for each area of the organization. This is especially important for aggregating the impact of continuous improvement from across the organization. If one group collects their impact in a complicated Excel file while another keeps a running tally on a bulletin board, leadership has no way to figure out the cumulative or comparable impact of that work.

A successful culture of continuous improvement has a structured, consistent way to:

1. Identify opportunities for improvement
2. Track the progress of each improvement idea
3. Report on the individual and cumulative impact of improvements 4. Store improvement knowledge for future reference


A disciplined methodology is key to spreading a culture of continuous improvement. In a disciplined culture of continuous improvement:

Everyone is encouraged to participate in continuous improvement
1. There is visibility into all levels of the organization, ensuring widespread engagement
2. Leaders respond quickly to people's ideas or opportunities
3. Employees implement their improvement ideas without delay
4. Deadlines are kept and overdue items are promptly addressed
5. An impact is calculated for each and every improvement
6. The status of improvements is communicated clearly and efficiently

Continuous improvement doesn’t play second fiddle in organizations that have mastered the cultural transformation. Every employee and leader knows that improvement is a key aspect of their job, and they approach it with the same weight and discipline as they would any other key performance indicator.

Improvement Technology

Empower Your Team to Make More Improvements and Maximize Impact


Get insight into improvement everywhere


Create a unified improvement culture


Empower teams to work together efficiently


Accelerate change for a greater impact


Promote knowledge sharing across your organization


See how improvement software works

Technology is the piece of the equation that is most often missing from organizations struggling with the development of improvement cultures. Widespread continuous improvement is difficult to manage and monitor with traditional technologies such as suggestion boxes, spreadsheets, and idea boards. Continuous improvement software fills that gap, connecting diverse, dispersed employees with features that enable collaboration and communication, enhance visibility, increase productivity, and enable consistent impact reporting.

Here are the features continuous improvement software should provide:

Structured Flexibility

Continuous improvement software provides a structured improvement management that is uniformly used by all employees, with the flexibility to scale and fit improvement work of all sizes and types. The software should also provide a means of storing all documents, communication, tasks, and follow up items related to a particular opportunity for improvement in a single location.

Smart Notifications

Smart notifications can come in the form of flags that are displayed in the platform itself, as well as in the form of emails that are automatically sent when something changes in the system, along with daily recaps.

Active notifications promote effective leadership behaviors and methodologies by:

- Streamlining communication
- Providing a single source for improvement updates
- Reducing the amount of time spent in meetings
- Ensuring quick follow up to questions and action items logged in the software
- Sending automated reminders of upcoming due dates and overdue work to

Engagement and Impact Reports

Continuous improvement software provides reports that make it easy for you to see

- The overall health of your improvement program
- The engagement levels of individuals, work areas, and the organization as a whole
- The impact (both financial and non-financial) of continuous improvement

Built-in Recognition

Continuous improvement software lets you recognize employees with features such as virtual badge systems and online profiles that publicly identify each individual’s success. Software can also provide you with the information you need to take recognition one step further by identifying high-performers and recognizing them in more formal, real-life celebrations such as quarterly employee recognition ceremonies.

Broadcast Improvement

Continuous improvement software automatically broadcasts the results of and details about your implemented ideas. This feature encourages more people to get involved in continuous improvement, recognizes those who are making improvements, disseminates best practices throughout the organization, and ensures that each improvement has the maximum impact.

Capture Tribal Knowledge

Continuous improvement software gives your organization a long-term memory. The software creates an improvement knowledge repository that is accessible to anyone in the organization, and is searchable so that all future staff and leaders may benefit from that institutional knowledge. It serves as a single source of truth for all improvement work that everyone in the organization refers to with improvement questions and ideas.

Easy to Deploy

In line with keeping your methodology simple, you should select easily deployed continuous improvement software. You don’t want to start using something that will be too complicated for your average user, or require that each employee undergo massive amounts of training to get up and running on it.

A Three Tiered Approach to Improvement:


